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Sunday 28 June 2020

Worthing Local Group “At Home” Session – Wednesday 1st July 2020

Next Wednesday evening, 1st July, will mark our fourth month without our usual singing session at “Ye Olde House At Home”. It’s been a long and difficult time for many, and I hope this finds you all well and coping ok as the situation progresses. Now that some restrictions are easing we can begin to consider when, where and how it will be safe enough for us to gather and sing together again in the ‘real’ world. With the heightened risk of transmitting the bugs when singing in the same space, and sometimes getting as many as 40 singers in the same space at our sessions, this reunion may not be easy to achieve in the near future. If it proves possible for August that will be great, but if not then it’s better safe than sorry and it will still be a joy to look forward to!

Meanwhile how about these songs to use for our July 'sing at home' next Wednesday ...

Pleasant and Delightful – for its “midsummer morn” and its hopes for a joyful reunion after a long voyage
Come Write Me Down (The Sussex Wedding Song) – a happy conclusion, we hope.

Ebernoe Horn Fair (on or near 25th July, I think?)
Green Grow the Laurel
Eileen Aroon
- all three from our original song book (on the CD), no brides in these but different versions of 'boy meets girl’.

Then back to our landscape, our precious pollinators and the promise of fruit, flowers and crops growing as the summer reaches its height:
The Bee-Boy’s Song
The Farmers Toast
The Brisk Young Ploughboy

Finally, either or both for a rousing finish:
Sussex By The Sea
Thousands Or More – to mark the recent crowds on our beaches, and the “Bright Phoebe” sunshine still “so high up in the sky” after the summer solstice.

Have a good sing!

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