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Saturday 12 October 2013

Halsway Manor - mini-festival, 4-8 November

Julie Thurston has forwarded some information about Halsway Manor in Somerset.  I had never heard of it - it's a centre for things folk - including songs, tunes, storytelling and folklore.  Julie especially wanted to draw our attention to one of their many events: they have a mini-festival from 4-8 November (residential) which sounds wonderful.

Indeed, the place itself sounds wonderful - click here and explore the website.  We could possibly stay there for a few days and run a workshop or two as well as attending other events.  If the Isle of Wight was fun, then perhaps it was the first in an annual series of SDFS getaways .... what do you think?  Leave a comment, why don't you?!

Adrian F


  1. It does indeed look a fab place and a super programme - but 4th November is not far away ......... and cost is prohibitive.... and taking a week off work could be difficult too. Worth exploring for the future though

    1. After the Isle of Wight this year, perhaps the Singers could take themselves off to Halsway Manor next year for a weekend? Better start saving now, mind .....

      Adrian F
